
LightHearted AI

Company Overview

LightHearted AI is an innovative medical technology company focused on revolutionizing heart diagnostics through the use of artificial intelligence and laser-based technology. Founded with the mission to “Democratise heart diagnostics, making it quick, cheap and contactless,” the company aims to prevent 10 million deaths by 2030 using their novel non-contact device that detects heart conditions quickly and accurately.

The company is based in the healthcare technology industry, developing AI-powered diagnostic tools for cardiovascular health. While the exact founding date is not provided, LightHearted AI appears to be a relatively young startup that has already gained significant recognition in the medical technology and AI sectors.

Products Overview

LightHearted AI’s primary product is a precision cardiology platform that utilizes laser-based technology and advanced AI for heart disease diagnosis. This innovative approach acquires biomarkers from a distance, enabling quick and accurate diagnostic reports without expert intervention.

The company’s first product, mentioned in recent news, is called LightScope. While specific details about LightScope are not provided, it is likely the embodiment of their contactless, AI-driven diagnostic technology.

Key features of their technology include:

  1. Non-contact detection: The device can read heartbeats through the throat, potentially replacing traditional stethoscopes.
  2. Speed and accuracy: The platform promises faster and more accurate diagnostics compared to conventional methods.
  3. Accessibility: By removing the need for expert intervention, the technology aims to make heart diagnostics more accessible and efficient.

Founding Team

LightHearted AI was co-founded by two individuals:

  1. Lucrezia Cester - Co-founder & CEO
    • Developed the device during her PhD
    • Worked in the NHS as an AI clinical scientist, developing and deploying AI algorithms for clinicians
    • Has deep expertise in healthcare system challenges and regulatory workflows
  2. Dilip Rajeswari - Co-founder & CTO
    • Has over 5 years of experience in co-founding and leading R&D teams at MedTech startups
    • Expertise in Machine Learning, Biomedical data modalities, and signal processing
    • Experience in leading teams from ideation to product development, regulatory pathway, and clinical deployment

The company also has a key team member:

  1. Ghena Hammour - Product and Innovation Lead
    • Over 6 years of experience in physiological sensing, signal processing, machine learning, and hardware development
    • Holds a PhD in Electrical and Electronics engineering and a Master’s degree in Bioengineering from Imperial College
    • Contributed significantly to the development of in-ear sensing and introduced novel methods for non-invasive blood glucose monitoring, cardiac sensing, and brain monitoring

Additionally, the company has advisory support from:

  • Prof Daniele Faccio - Scientific Advisor
  • Prof Sandosh Padmanabhan - Clinical Advisor
  • Laurence Bargery - Strategy Advisor

Problem and Market Fit

LightHearted AI addresses several key challenges in the field of cardiovascular diagnostics:

  1. Accessibility: By developing a contactless, AI-driven diagnostic tool, the company aims to make heart health assessments more widely available, potentially reaching underserved populations.

  2. Speed and Efficiency: The technology promises quicker diagnoses compared to traditional methods, which could lead to faster treatment and improved patient outcomes.

  3. Accuracy: By leveraging advanced AI and laser technology, the company aims to provide more accurate diagnostics, potentially reducing misdiagnoses and improving overall cardiac care.

  4. Cost-effectiveness: The “cheap” aspect mentioned in their mission suggests that their solution could be more affordable than current diagnostic methods, potentially reducing healthcare costs.

  5. Non-invasiveness: The contactless nature of their technology offers a more comfortable experience for patients and could increase willingness to undergo cardiac assessments.

The market for such technology is significant, given the global prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and the constant need for improved diagnostic tools in healthcare.

Business Model

While specific details about LightHearted AI’s business model are not provided, it’s likely that the company follows a medical device and software-as-a-service (SaaS) model common in the healthcare technology industry. This could involve:

  1. Hardware sales: Selling the LightScope device to healthcare providers, clinics, and hospitals.
  2. Software licensing: Offering the AI diagnostic platform on a subscription basis.
  3. Maintenance and support: Providing ongoing technical support and software updates.
  4. Data analytics: Potentially offering insights derived from aggregated, anonymized patient data to healthcare organizations or researchers.

Funding and Runway

Specific funding details are not provided in the given information. However, the company has partnered with several notable organizations that often provide funding or resources to startups:

  • Entrepreneur First (EF): A talent investor that helps individuals build tech startups.
  • SOSV: A global venture capital firm known for its accelerator programs.
  • HAX: A hardware-focused accelerator program (part of SOSV).
  • Intel Ignite: An accelerator program for early-stage startups.

LightHearted AI’s inclusion in these programs suggests that they have likely received some form of seed funding or investment, though exact amounts are not disclosed.

Competitive Landscape

While specific competitors are not mentioned, LightHearted AI operates in the competitive field of medical diagnostics and AI-driven healthcare solutions. Their unique selling points appear to be:

  1. Contactless technology: Using laser-based sensing to capture cardiac data without physical contact.
  2. AI-driven diagnostics: Leveraging advanced algorithms for quick and accurate heart condition detection.
  3. Accessibility: Focusing on making the technology widely available and easy to use without expert intervention.

Potential competitors could include other startups working on AI-driven diagnostics, established medical device companies expanding into AI, and tech giants investing in healthcare AI.


Specific customers are not mentioned, but based on the nature of their product, potential customers for LightHearted AI could include:

  1. Hospitals and healthcare systems
  2. Primary care clinics
  3. Cardiology practices
  4. Telemedicine providers
  5. Home healthcare services
  6. Research institutions

The company is part of the NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme, suggesting potential collaboration or customer relationships within the UK’s National Health Service.

Relevant News

  1. April 24, 2024: LightHearted AI was selected for Intel Ignite Cohort 2.

  2. March 19, 2024: The company showcased their technology at WIRED Health 2024.

  3. March 11, 2024: LightHearted AI was added to the Human Health 100 list, recognized as one of the most exciting health companies in SOSV’s portfolio.

  4. March 6, 2024: The company pitched and showcased the first demo of their product, LightScope, at the Big Pitch Event 2024.

  5. February 12, 2023: An article about LightHearted AI’s technology was published in The Guardian, discussing how their laser technology could potentially replace stethoscopes.

  6. October 13, 2023: LightHearted AI was listed among 13 digital health startups to watch, according to investors.

  7. The company has been accepted into several notable programs, including the Northeast I-Corps Program at Princeton University and the NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme.

These developments indicate growing recognition and support for LightHearted AI in the healthcare technology sector.

Classification: AI Tier 2

  1. Core AI: Create fundamental AI technologies/base models
  2. AI-Enabled: Core offerings rely on recent AI advances
  3. AI Adopters: Use AI to enhance existing products/services
  4. Non-AI: No AI in products/services

The company’s heart diagnostic tools are fundamentally enabled by advanced AI technology, placing them in Tier 2.