

Company Overview

Danti is a technology company focused on developing a search engine for Earth data. Founded in 2022 and headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, Danti aims to make discovering and working with location-based data easy and accessible. The company’s mission is to turn questions about places into answers by searching and understanding the massive amounts of data being collected on Earth.

Products Overview

Danti’s core product is an AI-powered search engine that allows users to ask questions about any location on Earth using natural language. The search engine synthesizes data from diverse sources, including imagery, news, social media, shipping data, and custom data sources to provide comprehensive answers in seconds.

Key features of Danti’s search engine include:

  • Natural language querying that enables non-expert users to easily search geospatial data
  • Integration of multiple data sources to provide contextual results
  • Machine learning models to interpret queries and analyze data
  • Ability to be deployed on the web or inside organizational firewalls
  • Support for both comprehensive search and integration with existing tools

Founding Team

While specific details about the founding team are not provided, the company was founded in 2022 by individuals with expertise in geospatial data, artificial intelligence, and search technology.

Problem and Market Fit

Danti is addressing the challenge of making the exponentially increasing amounts of Earth data being collected daily more accessible and usable. The company believes that current tools for organizing and accessing this data are complex and primitive. Danti’s search engine aims to change this by allowing users to “learn everything there is to know about any point on Earth, instantly.”

The product is designed to fit several key markets:

  1. Defense & Intelligence: Enabling organizations to access needed data without special requests to analysts.
  2. Property & Insurtech: Providing easy access to property and neighborhood information for realtors, insurers, developers, and investors.
  3. Infrastructure: Helping companies with large internal datasets to search and make sense of their data alongside external information.

Business Model

While specific details of Danti’s business model are not explicitly stated, the company appears to operate on a B2B model, providing its search engine technology to organizations in various sectors. They likely generate revenue through licensing or subscription fees for access to their platform.

Funding and Runway

Danti has secured several rounds of funding:

  • Pre-seed round of $2.75 million announced in June 2023
  • Additional $5 million in funding announced in May 2024

The total known funding to date is $7.75 million. Information about the company’s runway is not provided.

Competitive Landscape

While specific competitors are not named, Danti positions itself as a unique solution in the geospatial data search market. The company emphasizes its ability to make complex Earth data searchable and understandable for non-expert users, setting it apart from more traditional geospatial analysis tools.


Danti has secured contracts with notable customers in the defense sector:

  • U.S. Space Force: Awarded a $1.2 million contract in October 2023 for AI-powered data search capabilities.

Other specific customers are not mentioned, but the company targets organizations in defense, intelligence, property, insurance, and infrastructure sectors.

Relevant News

  • May 2, 2024: Danti raised $5 million in new funding to deploy its AI data analyst technology.
  • October 18, 2023: Danti secured a $1.2 million contract from AFWERX to provide AI-powered data search capabilities to the U.S. Space Force.
  • June 21, 2023: Danti emerged from stealth mode, announcing a $2.75 million pre-seed funding round and the launch of its Earth data search engine.

The company has received coverage in notable technology and space industry publications including TechCrunch, SpaceNews, and Payload.

Classification: AI Tier 2

  1. Core AI: Create fundamental AI technologies/base models
  2. AI-Enabled: Core offerings rely on recent AI advances
  3. AI Adopters: Use AI to enhance existing products/services
  4. Non-AI: No AI in products/services

Danti’s core offering of an AI-powered search engine for Earth data relies heavily on advanced AI technologies, making it a Tier 2 - AI-Enabled company.