

Company Overview

Supersimple is a business intelligence platform designed specifically for B2B SaaS companies. The company aims to help teams make better decisions using data by providing a platform that allows anyone to answer complex data questions quickly and easily, without requiring advanced technical skills.

Founded with the mission of making data analysis more accessible and actionable, Supersimple positions itself as a solution to common challenges faced by growing SaaS companies in effectively leveraging their data. The platform is built to work with existing data stacks and warehouses, focusing on providing insights rather than just dashboards.

Products Overview

Supersimple’s core product is a data exploration and analysis platform with several key features:

  1. Data Exploration: Allows users to answer complex ad-hoc questions in minutes using a no-code interface.

  2. Natural Language AI: Enables users to ask questions in plain English and receive data-driven answers.

  3. AI Insight Engine: Continuously analyzes data to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies, proactively surfacing insights to users.

  4. Semantic Layer: Provides a unified way to define and use business concepts across the organization.

  5. Customer-facing Reporting: Offers an API for companies to build reporting functionalities into their own products.

  6. Alerts and Notifications: Allows setting up custom alerts based on data changes.

The platform is designed to integrate with existing data warehouses and does not store customer data itself, focusing instead on analysis and insight generation.

Founding Team

While specific information about the founding team is not provided in the given material, it’s clear that the company has a strong focus on product development, customer success, and technical innovation in the data analytics space.

Problem and Market Fit

Supersimple addresses several key problems in the B2B SaaS data analytics market:

  1. Complexity of data analysis: Many companies struggle to extract meaningful insights from their data due to the technical complexity of traditional BI tools.

  2. Lack of data democratization: Often, data insights are siloed within technical teams, making it difficult for other departments to access and use data effectively.

  3. Time-consuming ad-hoc analysis: Traditional methods of answering specific data questions can be slow and resource-intensive.

  4. Difficulty in identifying meaningful patterns: Companies often miss important trends or anomalies in their data due to the volume and complexity of information.

By providing a user-friendly, AI-powered platform that can quickly answer complex questions and proactively surface insights, Supersimple aims to make data analysis more accessible and actionable for B2B SaaS companies.

Business Model

Supersimple operates on a SaaS (Software as a Service) model, providing its platform to B2B SaaS companies on a subscription basis. While specific pricing details are not provided in the given material, the company offers personalized demos and a signup process for interested customers.

The company also provides an API for embedded analytics, potentially offering an additional revenue stream through partnerships or integrations with other SaaS products.

Funding and Runway

The company has raised $2.2 million in funding, as announced in a blog post dated April 2, 2024. However, details about the funding round, investors, or current runway are not provided in the available information.

Competitive Landscape

While specific competitors are not mentioned, Supersimple positions itself as a unique solution in the BI and analytics space. The company differentiates itself through:

  1. Focus on B2B SaaS companies
  2. Emphasis on ease of use and accessibility for non-technical users
  3. AI-powered insights and natural language querying
  4. Integration with existing data warehouses without data duplication


The company’s website mentions several customers, including:

  • Twice
  • Storipress
  • Dashbird
  • Muhoov
  • Montonio
  • Inkwire
  • Reiterate

However, detailed case studies or specific use cases for these customers are not provided in the given material.

Relevant news

The most recent significant news is the public announcement of Supersimple and its $2.2 million funding round on April 2, 2024. The company has also been actively publishing blog posts on topics related to data analysis, product management, and AI technologies, indicating ongoing development and thought leadership in their space.

In conclusion, Supersimple appears to be a promising startup in the B2B SaaS analytics space, offering an innovative approach to making data analysis more accessible and actionable for growing companies. With recent funding and a clear focus on solving key pain points for their target market, they seem well-positioned to continue growing and developing their platform.

Classification: AI Tier 2

  1. Core AI: Create fundamental AI technologies/base models
  2. AI-Enabled: Core offerings rely on recent AI advances
  3. AI Adopters: Use AI to enhance existing products/services
  4. Non-AI: No AI in products/services

Supersimple relies on AI advancements for its main products, making it an AI-Enabled company.