

Company Overview

Picogrid is a defense technology company that builds a unified platform for unmanned systems. The company is based in Los Angeles, California and focuses on connecting fragmented defense systems. Picogrid’s platform aims to connect various third-party sensors, cameras, and autonomous systems to create a ready-made ecosystem of capabilities.

The company envisions empowering operators to adopt new capabilities within seconds. Picogrid’s products are used daily by critical government and commercial organizations, including the US Department of Defense, PG&E, and Cal Fire.

Products Overview

Picogrid offers several key products and services:

  1. Legion: A secure platform that connects and commands millions of devices with a single click. It provides features like zero-trust authentication, open architecture, end-to-end encryption, device tasking, swappable AI modules, and live streaming.

  2. Lander: A long-duration sensor platform with 1 kW solar power architecture, up to 14 days of battery backup, configurable multi-network communications, and edge-compute capabilities.

  3. Helios: A mobile communications and sensor platform packed into a single, man-portable hard-shell case. It features onboard battery with up to 24-hour backup, built-in global high-bandwidth satcom, and edge-compute capabilities.

  4. Integration Ecosystem: Picogrid offers a growing list of integrations with leading hardware and software capability providers, enabling rapid adaptation to changing mission needs.

Founding Team

The founding team information is not explicitly provided in the given material.

Problem and Market Fit

Picogrid addresses the problem of fragmented defense systems by providing a unified platform that connects various sensors, cameras, and autonomous systems. This solution aims to create a more resilient, effective, and efficient fighting force by enabling rapid adoption of new capabilities and technologies.

The company’s products cater to both government and commercial sectors, with a focus on defense, security, and critical infrastructure applications. The market fit is demonstrated by the adoption of Picogrid’s technology by major organizations like the US Department of Defense, PG&E, and Cal Fire.

Business Model

While the specific details of Picogrid’s business model are not explicitly stated, it appears to be based on:

  1. Selling hardware solutions (Lander and Helios platforms)
  2. Providing software services (Legion platform)
  3. Offering integration capabilities with third-party hardware and software providers

The company likely generates revenue through product sales, licensing fees, and potentially subscription-based services for its software platform.

Funding and Runway

The most recent funding information provided is that Picogrid announced a $12 million seed round. The exact date of this funding is not specified in the given material, but it is mentioned as recent news. No information about the company’s runway is provided.

Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape is not directly addressed in the provided material. However, given Picogrid’s focus on defense technology and unmanned systems, it likely competes with other companies in the defense tech sector and those providing solutions for autonomous systems integration.


Picogrid’s customers include:

  1. US Department of Defense
  2. US Air Force
  3. US Space Force
  4. US Army
  5. PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric Company)
  6. Cal Fire

Relevant News

  1. Picogrid announced a $12 million seed funding round. (Date not specified, but mentioned as recent news)

  2. The company announced plans to open a factory in Oklahoma. (December 12, 2023)

  3. Picogrid published a blog post titled “Engineering at Picogrid: Our Principles for Better Defense Technology” (May 13, 2024)

  4. The company’s products have been approved for AWS GovCloud, allowing them to handle highly sensitive government data.

  5. Picogrid emphasizes that its products are designed and manufactured in the USA, highlighting its commitment to American-made technology in the defense sector.

Classification: AI Tier 2

  1. Core AI: Create fundamental AI technologies/base models
  2. AI-Enabled: Core offerings rely on recent AI advances
  3. AI Adopters: Use AI to enhance existing products/services
  4. Non-AI: No AI in products/services

The company’s core product, the Legion platform, depends on AI for critical functionalities, making Picogrid an AI-Enabled company.