
Hume AI

Company Overview

Hume AI is a technology company specializing in developing multimodal AI solutions that aim to enhance emotional intelligence and human well-being in technology applications. The company is pioneering the field of empathic AI, with a focus on creating AI systems that can understand and respond to human emotions across various modalities, including voice, facial expressions, and language.

Founded with the mission to align technology with human well-being, Hume AI has positioned itself at the intersection of artificial intelligence, emotion recognition, and human-computer interaction. The company’s approach is grounded in extensive research, combining insights from psychology, neuroscience, and computer science to create AI models that can interpret and respond to nuanced human expressions.

Products Overview

Hume AI offers several key products and APIs:

  1. Empathic Voice Interface (EVI): This is described as the world’s first voice AI that responds empathically. EVI is a conversational voice API powered by empathic AI, capable of measuring nuanced vocal modulations and guiding language and speech generation. It incorporates an empathic large language model (eLLM) trained on millions of human interactions, combining language modeling and text-to-speech with enhanced emotional intelligence, prosody, end-of-turn detection, and interruptibility.

  2. Expression Measurement API: Built on over 10 years of research, this API can instantly capture nuances in expressions across audio, video, and images. It can detect subtle emotional cues like awkward laughter, sighs of relief, and nostalgic glances.

  3. Custom Model API: This low-code solution allows clients to build customizable insights into their applications. It uses transfer learning from Hume AI’s state-of-the-art expression measurement models and eLLMs to predict various outcomes more accurately than language alone.

Problem and Market Fit

Hume AI addresses the growing need for more emotionally intelligent and human-centric AI systems. As AI becomes increasingly integrated into various aspects of human life and work, there’s a critical need for these systems to understand and respond appropriately to human emotions. This is particularly important in fields like customer service, healthcare, education, and entertainment, where emotional understanding can significantly enhance user experience and outcomes.

The company’s products aim to fill the gap between advanced AI capabilities and the nuanced understanding of human emotions, providing tools that can make AI interactions more natural, empathetic, and aligned with human well-being.

Business Model

While specific details about Hume AI’s business model are not provided in the given information, it appears to operate on a B2B (Business-to-Business) model, offering its AI technologies and APIs to other companies and developers. The company likely generates revenue through:

  1. API subscriptions or usage-based pricing for its Expression Measurement API and Empathic Voice Interface.
  2. Custom solutions and integrations for clients using their Custom Model API.
  3. Potential licensing of its technology to larger enterprises.

Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape for Hume AI includes other companies working on emotion AI and multimodal AI systems. While specific competitors are not mentioned, this field likely includes both large tech companies investing in emotion recognition technologies and other specialized AI startups focusing on aspects of human-AI interaction.

Hume AI’s differentiation appears to lie in its focus on empathic AI and its foundation in extensive research on human emotions and expressions. The company’s emphasis on aligning AI with human well-being could be a unique selling point in a market where ethical AI development is increasingly important.


The website mentions several high-profile customers and partners, including:

  • LG
  • Coty
  • UCSF (University of California, San Francisco)
  • Synthesia
  • The University of Chicago

This diverse list of clients suggests that Hume AI’s technology has applications across various industries, including consumer electronics, beauty and cosmetics, healthcare, legal services, and education.

Relevant News

  1. On April 18, 2024, Hume AI introduced its Empathic Voice Interface (EVI) API, marking a significant product launch for the company.

  2. On February 9, 2024, the company announced a new evaluation for creative ability in Large Language Models, demonstrating its ongoing research in AI capabilities.

  3. On February 21, 2024, Hume AI published an article explaining semantic space theory, showcasing its focus on theoretical foundations in AI and cognitive science.

These recent developments indicate that Hume AI is actively expanding its product offerings and contributing to the broader field of AI research, particularly in areas related to language models and creative AI capabilities.

Classification: AI Tier 2

  1. Core AI: Create fundamental AI technologies/base models
  2. AI-Enabled: Core offerings rely on recent AI advances
  3. AI Adopters: Use AI to enhance existing products/services
  4. Non-AI: No AI in products/services

Hume AI’s core products, like the Empathic Voice Interface and the Expression Measurement API, rely fundamentally on advanced AI technologies to function, making it a Tier 2 AI-Enabled company.