

Company Overview

Sona is a workforce management platform designed for frontline enterprises such as care homes, restaurants, and hotels. The company was founded in 2021 and is headquartered in London, UK. Sona’s mission is to solve the unique challenges of frontline work with technology that empowers every employee.

Products Overview

Sona offers an end-to-end workforce management solution with several key components:

  1. Operations Cloud: Includes features like smart scheduling, time & attendance tracking, shift filling, and agency assignment.

  2. HR Cloud: Provides an employee directory, employment records management, and document storage capabilities.

  3. Engagement Cloud: Offers wellbeing check-ins, a company newsfeed, and employee recognition tools.

  4. Finance Cloud: Streamlines payroll processes and integrates with existing payroll systems.

  5. AI Cloud: Uses advanced AI to optimize forecasting, scheduling, and decision-making.

The platform is accessible via a mobile app for employees and a web interface for managers. It aims to improve operational efficiency, employee engagement, and retention for frontline businesses.

Founding Team

Sona was co-founded by Ben, Oli, and Steffen. While their full names and backgrounds are not provided in the source material, they are described as the co-founders building the product and team.

Problem and Market Fit

Sona addresses the lack of purpose-built software tools for managing frontline workforces, which make up about 80% of the global workforce. Traditional workforce management solutions often don’t meet the unique needs of industries with large numbers of non-desk workers.

Sona’s platform aims to solve common challenges in frontline industries like staff shortages, high turnover, scheduling complexities, and inefficient communication. By providing an integrated solution for operations, HR, finance, and employee engagement, Sona helps organizations improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase employee satisfaction.

Business Model

Sona operates on a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, providing its workforce management platform to businesses on a subscription basis. The company targets frontline enterprises across industries like healthcare, hospitality, and retail.

Funding and Runway

Sona has raised significant venture capital funding:

  • July 2021: $2.2 million pre-seed round
  • November 2021: $9 million seed round led by Google’s Gradient Ventures
  • May 2024: £22 million (approximately $27.5 million) to help large organizations access AI-driven workforce management

Total known funding is over $38 million. Key investors include Gradient Ventures (Google’s AI-focused fund) and Speedinvest.

Competitive Landscape

While specific competitors are not named, Sona positions itself as a next-generation solution competing against “legacy systems” and “old-fashioned systems that can no longer keep up with the needs of modern frontline workforces.” The company emphasizes its AI capabilities and comprehensive end-to-end platform as key differentiators.


Sona serves frontline enterprises across several industries:

  • Social Care: Customers include Advinia Health Care, Praxis Care, Active Prospects, Cartrefi, and Greensleeves Care
  • Hospitality: Serves restaurant and hotel groups (specific customers not named)
  • Retail: Mentioned as a target industry, but no specific customers named

Relevant News

  • May 2024: Sona raised £22 million to help large organizations move from legacy systems to AI-driven workforce management solutions.
  • June 2023: Partnered with Nourish, a digital care planning leader in Social Care.
  • December 2022: Completed acquisition of frontline communications app Yapster.
  • January 2023: Placed 5th in Notion’s list of Europe’s top 100 early-stage SaaS companies.
  • October 2022: Named Innovative Solution of the Year for Care Homes at the Leaders in Care awards.

Sona has shown significant growth, reaching milestones like 1 million shifts created (February 2023) and 1 million holiday hours booked (November 2023) on its platform.

Classification: AI Tier 3

  1. Core AI: Create fundamental AI technologies/base models
  2. AI-Enabled: Core offerings rely on recent AI advances
  3. AI Adopters: Use AI to enhance existing products/services
  4. Non-AI: No AI in products/services

Sona uses AI to optimize workforce management but does not depend on AI breakthroughs for its core offerings, classifying it as an AI Adopter (Tier 3).