

Company Overview

Buddywise is a technology company focused on creating safer workplaces through the use of advanced computer vision and artificial intelligence. The company’s primary mission is to prevent injuries and loss of life by implementing real-time risk detection systems that help organizations proactively build safer work environments. While the exact founding date and location are not specified in the provided information, it’s clear that Buddywise operates in the industrial safety and AI technology sectors.

Products Overview

Buddywise’s main product is a computer vision-based safety monitoring system. This system utilizes AI models that are designed to see the world in a way similar to human vision, but with enhanced capabilities. The key features of their product include:

  1. Visual safety risk identification: The AI models can identify potential safety hazards with high accuracy and precision.

  2. Continuous improvement: The system learns from patterns and deviations it observes, improving its performance over time as it’s used.

  3. Device-independent monitoring: Unlike some safety systems, Buddywise’s solution doesn’t rely on personal devices, making it particularly suitable for deskless workers in industrial settings.

  4. High accuracy: The system boasts up to 99% accuracy in detecting safety risks.

  5. Unbiased detections: The AI-driven approach helps eliminate human bias in safety monitoring.

  6. All-weather performance: The system has been noted to perform well even in challenging weather conditions and poor lighting.

The product is designed to reduce the time spent on monitoring and reacting to alarms while significantly improving overall safety and security at industrial sites.

Problem and Market Fit

Buddywise addresses a critical problem in industrial and traditional sectors: the ongoing challenge of maintaining workplace safety. Many industries struggle with consistent, round-the-clock safety monitoring, especially in environments where human oversight might be limited or prone to error.

The company’s solution fits well into markets where:

  1. There’s a high risk of workplace accidents or injuries.
  2. Traditional safety monitoring methods are insufficient or labor-intensive.
  3. Companies are looking to leverage technology to improve their safety records.
  4. There’s a need for unbiased, consistent safety monitoring.
  5. Organizations want to move from reactive to proactive safety measures.

By using AI and computer vision, Buddywise offers a solution that can potentially outperform human monitors in terms of consistency, accuracy, and tirelessness, filling a significant gap in the industrial safety market.

Business Model

While the specific details of Buddywise’s business model are not explicitly stated, based on the nature of their product and industry, it’s likely that they operate on a B2B (Business-to-Business) model. They probably offer their AI-powered safety monitoring system as a service to other companies, potentially with the following components:

  1. Hardware installation: Setting up cameras and other necessary equipment at the client’s site.
  2. Software as a Service (SaaS): Providing access to their AI models and analytics platform.
  3. Ongoing support and maintenance: Ensuring the system continues to function optimally and improves over time.
  4. Customization: Tailoring the system to meet specific safety needs of different industries or individual clients.

Given the continuous improvement aspect of their AI models, they likely benefit from a network effect where each new client helps to improve the overall system, potentially leading to better performance for all clients.


Buddywise has partnerships with several notable companies across various industries. While the exact nature of these relationships (whether they are customers, partners, or both) is not specified, the list includes:

  1. R&L Tre
  2. Aliaxis
  3. Troax
  4. Aligned
  5. Nords International

The diversity of these companies suggests that Buddywise’s solution has applications across multiple sectors, potentially including manufacturing, construction, and industrial services.

Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape for Buddywise is not explicitly detailed in the provided information. However, given their focus on AI-powered safety monitoring, they likely compete with:

  1. Traditional safety monitoring system providers
  2. Other AI and computer vision companies focusing on industrial applications
  3. Workplace safety consultancies and service providers

Buddywise’s competitive advantage appears to lie in their advanced AI models, high accuracy rates, and the ability to operate effectively in challenging conditions without relying on personal devices.

Relevant News

While there’s no specific dated news provided, a notable piece of information comes from Simon Hedberg, CEO of Nords International, who praised the performance and accuracy of Buddywise’s system. He specifically mentioned its effectiveness in tough weather conditions and poor lighting, as well as its ability to reduce time spent on monitoring and reacting to alarms. This testimonial suggests that Buddywise has successfully deployed their system in at least one real-world industrial setting with positive results.

In conclusion, Buddywise presents an innovative approach to workplace safety, leveraging advanced AI and computer vision technologies to create a more proactive and efficient safety monitoring system. Their solution appears to be gaining traction across various industries, addressing a critical need in workplace safety. For investors, the company’s technological edge, the growing importance of workplace safety, and the potential for scaling across multiple industries could make Buddywise an interesting prospect in the industrial technology sector.

Classification: AI Tier 2

  1. Core AI: Create fundamental AI technologies/base models
  2. AI-Enabled: Core offerings rely on recent AI advances
  3. AI Adopters: Use AI to enhance existing products/services
  4. Non-AI: No AI in products/services

Buddywise’s primary products rely entirely on advanced AI and computer vision technologies, making their core business possible only with recent AI advances.