
Beyond Weather

Company Overview

Beyond Weather is an Amsterdam-based startup that combines climate science expertise with artificial intelligence to develop focused long-term weather forecasts. The company was spun off from the Climate Extremes research group at the Institute for Environmental Studies of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Beyond Weather aims to provide accurate weather predictions months in advance to help businesses, governments, and NGOs enhance climate resilience and make better decisions.

Products Overview

Beyond Weather offers AI-powered weather forecasting solutions that provide predictions 2 weeks to 6 months ahead. Their key products and services include:

  1. Long-term weather forecasts: Accurate predictions of weather patterns weeks to months in advance.

  2. Industry-specific forecasts: Tailored forecasts for sectors like energy, agriculture, logistics, finance, and disaster risk management.

  3. Crop Yield Forecaster: An AI tool that predicts end-of-year crop yields up to 8 months in advance.

  4. SaaS subscription: Access to forecasts through an online portal.

  5. API access: Raw forecast data available via API.

  6. Custom forecasting solutions: Tailored forecasting services for specific client needs.

The company claims their AI models are over 200% more accurate than current best-in-class models. Their forecasts come with explainable AI features to help users understand the key drivers behind predictions.

Founding Team

The founding team consists of:

  • Jannes van Ingen (CEO): An econometrician with expertise in sustainability, climate and weather systems.

  • Dr. Sem Vijverberg (CTO): Has a PhD in Climate Physics and developed the foundation for the company’s S2S-AI forecasting approach.

  • Prof. Dim Coumou (Chief Science Officer): A climate scientist and professor of Climate Extremes & Societal Risk at VU Amsterdam.

  • Steven van den Tol (Chief Commercial Officer): An experienced entrepreneur focused on businesses essential for the energy transition.

Problem and Market Fit

Beyond Weather aims to solve the challenge of making reliable weather predictions beyond the typical 14-day forecast horizon, which climate scientists have dubbed “the prediction desert”. Accurate long-term forecasts are increasingly crucial for businesses and organizations to manage risks and make strategic decisions in the face of climate change and extreme weather events.

The company’s AI-powered approach allows them to provide more accurate sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) forecasts compared to traditional models. This addresses a significant market need across industries like energy, agriculture, logistics, and disaster risk management that require longer-term weather insights for planning and operations.

Business Model

Beyond Weather operates on a B2B model, offering their forecasting solutions through several channels:

  1. SaaS Subscription: Clients can access forecasts through an online portal.

  2. High-End Reseller Partnerships: Partnering with consultancies to incorporate forecasts into their services.

  3. Custom-Built Forecasting: Tailored solutions for specific client requirements.

  4. API Access: Providing raw forecast data for integration into client systems.

The company targets various industries including energy, agriculture, logistics, finance, and NGOs/aid organizations. They also mention providing some services on a non-profit basis for disaster risk management in vulnerable regions.

Funding and Runway

The available information indicates that Beyond Weather has secured some early-stage funding:

  • In March 2023, the company received a €68,000 pre-seed investment from the Rabo Pre-seed fund at UtrechtInc.

  • More recently, Beyond Weather secured an investment from LUMO Labs, though the amount was not specified.

No information was provided about the company’s current runway.

Competitive Landscape

The company positions itself against traditional weather forecasting models, claiming to be twice as accurate as current best-in-class models like SEAS5 for long-term predictions. However, specific competitors are not mentioned in the provided material.

The weather forecasting and climate intelligence market is likely competitive, with other companies also working on AI-powered forecasting solutions. Beyond Weather’s competitive advantage appears to lie in their academic roots, combination of climate science expertise with AI, and focus on explainable forecasts for specific industry applications.


While specific customers are not named, Beyond Weather targets several industries with their forecasting solutions:

  • Energy companies (for price estimations, quantifying power/gas needs, forecasting renewable supply)
  • Agricultural businesses (for harvest planning, maximizing growing conditions)
  • Logistics companies (for optimizing shipping and transport of goods)
  • Financial institutions (for risk management, insurance, commodity trading)
  • Aid organizations and NGOs (for disaster risk management and relief planning)

Relevant News

  • March 2023: Beyond Weather secured a €68,000 pre-seed investment from the Rabo Pre-seed fund at UtrechtInc.
  • Recent (date not specified): The company received an investment from LUMO Labs.

The company also publishes regular blog posts and insights about weather patterns and their forecasting technology, demonstrating ongoing development and application of their solutions.

Classification: AI Tier 2

  1. Core AI: Create fundamental AI technologies/base models
  2. AI-Enabled: Core offerings rely on recent AI advances
  3. AI Adopters: Use AI to enhance existing products/services
  4. Non-AI: No AI in products/services

The company’s primary offerings depend entirely on advanced AI to provide long-term weather forecasts, making AI fundamental to their core business.